Where to find The Den and sell contraband without being caught
“The Boot” is a side mission within the Starfield universe, centered around resolving the troubles caused by a pair of cursed boots that bring misfortune to their wearers. These mysterious boots also inexplicably find their way back to their original store. To ensure they never return, players receive explicit instructions on how to deal with them.

Starting “The Boot” Mission in Starfield
To initiate this mission, make your way to the UC Surplus store located in The Well, a district within the city of New Atlantis on planet Jemison. Since Jemison is the first planet you explore in Starfield, it’s easily accessible. From the primary spaceport area, descend via an elevator to The Well and proceed to UC Surplus.
To commence the mission, you must enter the store and await the store owner, Antonio Bianchi, to conclude a conversation with another character concerning the problematic boots. This character is returning the boots to Antonio due to the misfortune they bring, marking the third time they’ve been returned.
Once their conversation concludes, approach Antonio and select the dialogue option referring to the peculiar discussion you overheard. Antonio will then detail the situation with the boots, explaining how they persistently return to him, defying attempts to destroy or sell them. In a desperate bid to be rid of the boots, Antonio concocts a unique plan.
Antonio will request your assistance in transporting the boots to the farthest corner of the galaxy and storing them securely at The Den, a bar located in the Wolf system, ensuring he knows their exact whereabouts.
Reaching The Den
Depart from Jemison and navigate to the Wolf system, where you’ll immediately spot The Den ahead. Dock your ship, enter The Den, and continue past the ship services technician and the yellow Trade Authority kiosk until you encounter UC Vanguard member Rayna Marquez. Take the doorway to the right, near where Rayna is standing, and you’ll discover a sizable storage container marked with a blue mission indicator.

Selling or Storing the Boots
As you approach the container, a ship technician named Conrad will intervene, offering to purchase the boots for 500 credits. You can choose to accept this offer (though this will inevitably condemn Conrad to perpetual bad luck) or fulfill your mission as intended. The monetary reward is significantly greater if you opt to place the boots in the crate, as Antonio will reward you with 2,000 credits for your efforts.
If you wish to attempt to claim both the 500 credits from Conrad and the 2,000 credits from Antonio, you can do so by effectively lying or persuading Conrad that you indeed placed the boots in the crate. He will warn you of a bad luck cloud hanging over your head if you return after selling the boots, requiring a high level in the Persuasion skill to outsmart him. To improve your chances, consider upgrading your Persuasion ability in the Social tab of the skills menu, as each rank boosts your odds of success when attempting to persuade someone, increasing the likelihood of Antonio believing your story.
Returning to Antonio
Regardless of your decision, you must report back to Antonio and inform him of the boots’ disposal. If you kept your promise and delivered the boots as instructed, Antonio will promptly acknowledge the absence of the bad luck cloud and reward you with 2,000 credits. However, if you sold the boots, he won’t be easily fooled.
For the optimal credit reward from this mission without investing skill points in the Persuasion skill, it’s advisable to simply deliver the boots according to Antonio’s request. Otherwise, you might only receive a quarter of the credits you would obtain by following Antonio’s instructions.
In any case, completing this Starfield mission concludes once you report back to Antonio.
In future if you acquire and contraband and need to smuggle them, the easiest way to do so would be to sell them to the vendor at The Den without having to worry about being caught or scanned and getting your contraband and stolen stuff confiscated.